Excitement Brewing for Starbucks Annual Meeting of Shareholders Today
More than three hours before the Starbucks 2014 Annual Meeting begins, shareholder Steve Nussbaum stands in line watching through glass windows as CNBC's financial host Jim Cramer broadcasts his show live from McCaw Hall in Seattle. For the second year in a row, he's the first in line.
"I'm hoping to hear good predictions for the future of Starbucks and I hope the stock will split again," said Nussbaum, who owns a "fair amount" of stock.
Next in line, Jean Schifferns who said, "I love Starbucks coffee and I just love Starbucks. It makes no difference what store you go to, the consistency is amazing. The partners are always glad to see you and this event is just fun."
They're among the 3,000 shareholders and partners (employees) meeting at McCaw Hall in Seattle for a review of the company's record performance in fiscal year 2013 and a glimpse of Starbucks year to come. Starbucks reported record revenue of $15 billion and record profit of $2.5 billion for the past fiscal year.
Many of the shareholders attending today's meeting, like Judy Dobler, bought Starbucks stock when the company went public in 1992.
"I believe in Starbucks stock and love its growth potential," said Dobler. "I love the way Starbucks cares for its employees and customers."
LIVE, comprehensive coverage begins when the annual meeting starts - 10:00 a.m. PDT. A special Starbucks Newsroom website will have photos, videos, related stories and a link to the live webcast. Follow us @Starbucksnews and use the event hashtag #sbuxmtg2014.
"I've been to a lot of company meetings, but Starbucks has the most entertaining meetings by far," said shareholder Steve Johansen.