Starbucks Fiscal 2023 Global Impact Report
Starbucks has always been a different kind of company. We’re on a journey to unleash the limitless possibilities of human connection. For more than 20 years, we have reviewed our performance with the Starbucks Global Impact Report.
This report provides an overview of our environmental and social impact strategies and annual progress during fiscal year 2023 (FY23). While this report is not an exhaustive summary of our efforts, it helps demonstrate the integration between our business and our promises to our most important stakeholders: partners (employees), the environment, farmers, communities, customers, and shareholders. This report also includes data tables that reflect our progress against our goals. A comprehensive view of our progress and reports since 2001 is available here.
Key highlights from the report
Starbucks College Achievement Plan (SCAP) graduates to date
In ongoing investments since FY22 to uplift the partner and store experience
Farms we work with across 30+ coffee-sourcing countries
Partners have earned coveted Black Aprons
Greener Stores globally
Reusable and returnable cup models tested
Goal to source and verify Starbucks coffee through C.A.F.E. Practices, our best-in-class ethical sourcing program
Next generation climate-resistant coffee trees distributed
In grants awarded from The Starbucks Foundation
FY23 Supplier Lists: Coffee | Tea | Cocoa
View Previous Global Impact Reports