Elevating the Starbucks Experience for U.S. Air Travelers

Our customers have long thought of Starbucks as their third place — the place between home and work where they can find comfort, familiarity and sip their favorite handcrafted beverage.  And we know there are often times when customers are looking for speed and convenience on-the-go, particularly in high-traffic locations like airports.  

We recognize the importance of bringing the elevated Starbucks Experience to our customers as they move throughout their day.

In airport locations, we specifically look to licensed business partners that bring the knowledge and capabilities to reach more air travelers. Through this model, we have successfully established and delivered the Starbucks Experience in airports across the U.S. for nearly 30 years. 

With our customers in mind, we are expanding our airport licensed business model, adding Paradies Lagardère and OTG, along with HMS Host, as operators of our airport locations across the U.S. We expect to work with other likeminded operators in this growing industry over time to meet increasing customer demand.

Through these partnerships, we will grow our footprint in more U.S. airports and terminals, reaching more customers and laying the groundwork for future innovation.

This includes new store concepts – imagine a “pop up” Starbucks, with digital capabilities outside your gate at the airport, ready to deliver your favorite beverage – in whichever stage of your journey.

This is an exciting time for Starbucks. We look forward to building upon these partnerships as we work to elevate and innovate the third-place experience to better serve our customers.