Fact Sheet: Starbucks Timor Mount Ramelau Single Origin Coffee

New Starbucks® Timor Ramelau Single Origin Coffee

Timor-Leste, the official name of East Timor, is located south of the equator in the Malay Archipelago. The country spans the eastern half of the island of Timor, the largest and eastern-most of the Lesser Sunda Islands. This coffee is cultivated near Mount Ramelau, a lush forested peak—East Timor’s highest—where the earth is well nourished and the weather is perfectly temperate.

Cooperativa Café Timor (CCT) is the producer of this coffee, which is cultivated in the backyards of smallholder farmers who meticulously tend their plants, only the ripest cherries are selected for processing, resulting in a smooth, refined cup. CCT, established in 1994 with support from the US National Cooperative Business Association, is a cooperative organization of coffee farmers in East Timor that produces and exports the premium coffee.

Starbucks has been buying coffee from CCT since 1996 and has not only helped them improve the quality of their coffee but has also supported a number of social projects in East Timor. In 2000, Starbucks helped support a health clinic by covering the initial purchase of medical supplies. In 2008, Starbucks contributed $20,000 to a social project benefitting 14,000 people in rural areas of East Timor. Today, through our relationship with CCT Starbucks continues to support the operations of the health programs and clinics in Timor.