
Our Values

We deliver performance through the lens of humanity:


We delight in the rigor of the details-no matter what our job is
We learn and teach in the pursuit of growth
We deliver excellence with passion and creativity


We consistently achieve our goals with focus, integrity, and drive
We continuously innovate to stay ahead
We exceed the expectations of the people we serve


We embrace difficult conversations, with respect, to make us all better
We pursue audacious ideas beyond our comfort zone
We do the right thing, even when it's hard


We actively listen and connect with warmth and transparency
We recognize and appreciate every person for who they are
We treat each other with dignity and care


We take pride in our work and have fun while doing it
We celebrate each other and our wins
We create great vibes to bring the best out of others

Our Promises

The mutual success we collectively commit to:

Our Partner Promise — Bridge to a better future

Our Customer Promise — Uplift the everyday

Our Farmer Promise — Ensure the future of coffee for all

Our Community Promise — Contribute positively

Our Environmental Promise — Give more than we take

Our Shareholder Promise — Generate long-term returns