Supporting Economic Opportunity, Youth Workforce Development, Hunger Relief and Social Services in Asia Pacific

Updated September 28, 2023

The Starbucks Foundation has a 25-year history of investing in communities across the U.S. and globally. In March 2022, The Starbucks Foundation announced a $30 million investment by 2030 in its Global Community Impact Grants portfolio designed to drive locally relevant impact in the communities where Starbucks operates around the world.

In the second year of the Global Community Impact Grants program, The Starbucks Foundation awarded grants to more than 90 nonprofits, all nominated by Starbucks international licensees, and will reach communities in 46 markets. Between grants and co-investment from international licensees, more than $3.8 million was awarded in 2023 for causes aligned to The Starbucks Foundation’s community impact goals, including youth workforce development, inclusion & diversity, social services, hunger relief, economic opportunity, and coffee-, tea- and cocoa-growing communities.

In Asia Pacific, the Foundation awarded 29 grants across 14 markets for causes ranging from youth empowerment and hunger relief, to promoting economic opportunity to workforce development, and social services. Grants were awarded to nonprofit organizations in Australia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Learn more about the program and organizations we support in Asia Pacific and across the globe.

Highlights from select grantees in Asia Pacific include:

ChildFund Korea, South Korea

The Starbucks Youth Leadership Program, supported by Starbucks Korea’s first Community Store, is a holistic 4-year program that partners with ChildFund Korea to offer academic scholarships through college graduation. The program also provides a unique curriculum focused on building business acumen, collaborative communications, and social consciousness as part of its aim to prepare young people from disadvantaged backgrounds for educational and career opportunities in Korea’s economy.

With additional support from The Starbucks Foundation, over 80 students have been supported through the program and new students will be selected in May 2023. The most recent Global Community Impact Grant will support the current group of students to gain business development skills and other training for career development over the coming year.

Gawad Kalinga, Philippines

As part of the Global Community Impact Grants, The Starbucks Foundation awarded a $50,000 grant to Gawad Kalinga’s Kusina ng Kalinga in April 2022 supporting nutrition for 600 youth in two communities in Quezon City and Laguna, as well as providing nutrition education and support for building and maintaining community vegetable gardens. Starbucks Philippines donated an additional $25,000 each to the Philippine FoodBank Foundation and Gawad Kalinga to expand its hunger relief programs in 2023 in the Visayas region.

The most recent Global Community Impact Grant from The Starbucks Foundation will enable Gawad Kalinga to provide nutritious meals to an additional 1,200 children, host family health and nutrition educational workshops, and train 30 Community Food Farmers to build vegetable gardens.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, Indonesia

In September 2022, The Starbucks Foundation and Starbucks Indonesia partnered with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure in Bojong Koneng village in Bogor district, West Java, Indonesia. Over 70 Starbucks Indonesia partners (employees) and Habitat for Humanity Indonesia, helped to build 21 toilets to support the wellbeing, health, and resilience of this rural community.

Habitat for Humanity Indonesia is a long-time partner on disaster relief. Most recently, The Starbucks Foundation supported rebuilding efforts in Cianjur West Java, after an earthquake struck in November 2022. This included providing temporary shelter to families, as well as latrines for impacted communities. The most recent Global Community Impact Grant will help Habitat for Humanity improve wellbeing, health status, and resiliency of the Karawang community in West Java through safe and decent housing and household WASH improvements for low-income families.

Scholars of Sustenance Foundation (SOS), Thailand

The Scholars of Sustenance Foundation’s Rescue Kitchen provided more than 430,000 meals to communities from October 2022 to March 2023, with the support of a Global Community Impact Grant. Fifty partners assisted in these efforts by preparing meals for Klong Ladpachee and Wat Ampawa communities. The most recent Global Community Impact Grant will further expand the Rescue Kitchen’s network through a “cooking hero” training for community volunteers that will increase community access to nutritious food.

The Global Community Impact Grant complements Starbucks Thailand’s FoodShare program which has donated more than 6,500 kilograms of surplus food, representing nearly 28,000 meals to communities in need, in January to March 2023.

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Hop into the holidays with Starbucks Singapore and Miffy!