Starbucks celebrates Global Handwashing Day across Asia Pacific

At Starbucks, we believe people are at the center of everything we do. We are committed to enhance the well-being of all who connect with Starbucks and have pledged to uplift 1 billion people by 2030. To achieve this goal, we partner with like-minded organizations to accelerate the positive impact Starbucks creates in the communities we serve. On this Global Handwashing Day, an international movement dedicated to increasing awareness and education on the importance of personal hygiene to prevent diseases and save lives, Starbucks has partnered with Planet Water Foundation, a non-profit organization, to provide clean water access and hygiene programs to communities around the world. Through this long-term partnership supported by The Starbucks Foundation since 2011, 41 AquaTowers have been constructed globally to date, including 6 markets across Asia Pacific, providing up to 73,800 people with access to clean water.

This year, The Starbucks Foundation awarded a grant to Planet Water Foundation to provide access to clean, safe drinking water and handwashing stations for ten communities around the world, including Cambodia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. In the weeks leading up to Global Handwashing Day 2022, Starbucks partners (employees) in Asia Pacific constructed AquaTowers and led hygiene education activities with children. Through these investments and volunteer service, Starbucks partners continue to nurture community connections and meet the needs of their local community, providing clean drinking water and improving health and hygiene behaviors in children for years to come.

“As a partner in the construction and store design services team, I design and build Starbucks stores for customers. Today, I am grateful for the opportunity to build an AquaTower alongside other Starbucks partners, which will provide clean water and access to hygiene essentials to the young students in need. It feels great to be giving back to our community,” said Kirakorn a Starbucks Thailand partner.




The Philippines



The Starbucks Foundation - Global Handwashing Day 2022
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