Tokyo Roastery partners – connection and purpose on all four floors

TOKYO – After announcing the opening of the Tokyo Roastery almost three years ago, partners at the Tokyo Roastery are ready to showcase their craft.
Later this week, the doors to the Roastery will open along the Meguro River’s edge, just weeks before the famous cherry blossoms reach full bloom. The four-story tribute to coffee, craft and community celebrates Japanese tradition through the passion of the partners that work there.
From prefectures across Japan, these partners are working together to build community in hopes it inspires customers and Starbucks partners around the world.
Rika Mitsuyama – Shiga Prefecture

“I cherish the Starbucks value – ‘acting with courage’ – and am here to challenge myself with something new like being involved in this next step for Starbucks in Japan.”
Moeka Tsutsui – Gifu Prefecture

“The Roastery is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It’s a place where you can immerse yourself in tea, where we can share our knowledge of tea with customers.”
スターバックス リザーブ? ロースタリー 東京は「一期一会」の意味合いが強い。TEAの世界にのめり込んでもらう、自分たちのTEAの知識をお客様に広げる―。そんなロースタリーにしたい。
Shuichi Obuchi – Niigata Prefecture

“Though bartenders typically take time to build relationships with customers, Starbucks partners really capture the heart of their customers in each moment of connection.”
Yukari Fujimori – Shiga Prefecture

“I heard about the Roastery in Tokyo and applied so I could make my hobbies of making coffee and bread my job. Now, I’m baking bread at Princi.”
大好きなパンと、コーヒー。スターバックス リザーブ? ロースタリー 東京には、その二つがある。素敵な香りに包まれ、Princiでパンを焼き続けている。
Hitoshi Watanabe – Kagawa Prefecture

“The Roastery will enhance our passion for coffee across all of Japan’s stores. I hope our partners take pride in the coffee we’re roasting in Japan and grow their curiosity.”
スターバックス リザーブ? ロースタリー 東京は、日本の全国の店舗にコーヒーネスを波及させ、高めていく存在。国内焙煎による味わいを堪能し、コーヒーに興味を持ってもらいたい。
Junko Moriyama – Tokyo

“Starbucks is a company that can make the coffee industry more sustainable. I am so excited to introduce customers to the Reserve coffees that connect me to coffee origin communities.”
Mami Ishizuka – Iwate Prefecture

“I want to create a positive work environment where we as partners are always thankful for one another. We share the same mission and values, and now can make our connection even stronger.”
ポジティブな職場、ありがとうが飛び交う環境を作りたい。みんな同じMission and Valuesを胸に働いている。日本の各店舗から集まった細い糸を太く、強くしていきたい。
Rui Kiuchi – Kyoto Prefecture

“A packer’s job is the last step to put the heart into the coffees. It’s where you put the ‘humanity’ into every bag.”